Tuesday, April 5

day 10351: learning to juggle

It was a Saturday afternoon; raining probably, since we were stuck inside. For lack of something better to do, Da proclaimed that it was as good a time as any to learn how to juggle and dug out a can of old, fuzzy tennis balls.

First it was gently tossing the tennis ball from one hand to the other… nothing too spectacularly difficult for the young softball superstar that I was way back when. Two balls, two hands… still nothing spectacular.

“What a cinch! I could do it blind folded.” I tried it and ended up whacking myself in the head.

Two balls, one hand was a lot harder to master. My hands weren’t big enough so I had to downsize to racquet balls… bouncier, and oh-that-much-more-painful when you throw too hard, and look down at the same time…

Three balls damn well nearly killed me.

But I learned how to juggle.

Sometimes it feels like life is a little like learning how to juggle. One thing, one stressor is fine. Two – no big deal – life goes on. Two at the same time… a little harder but still manageable with a few bumps and bruises along the way… but three… whoa… watch out…

… that is until you learn how to deal with it, and then you can start adding more. When it rains, it pours...

1 comment:

teahouse said...

Very nice. I've never been able to juggle. Not even two. Maybe that's why I'm always so stressed out at work.