day 10527: …and that’s when my stomach went *clunk* and my heart went *thump* and the boy went *humph*
Feeling like this again... so much to say, so much to write about… so little time... so how about a teaser of all the things I could have written about that I don't have time to write about...
~ My-boy-Bacon...
~ My-boy-Bacon... 's friend (*wave* yes, I know you're reading this, and no, I don't really like it, but I can't stop you) checks out this site, so I have to watch what I say about My-boy-Bacon...
~ My-boy-Bacon... gives me stomach butterflies...
~ My-boy-Bacon... called himself my boyfriend...
~ My-boy-Bacon... 's parents know about me...
~ My-boy-Bacon... 's parents wanted to invite me over for Thanksgiving Dinner...
~ My-boy-Bacon... and I have only "had a thing going" for a couple of weeks...
~ My-boy-Bacon... gave me a slight panic attack yesterday, but I'm okay today... cuz I'm still liking My-boy-Bacon...
I'd write more, but Monkeyco, you’re sucking the life out of me…