Thursday, December 18

Day 9876: Breathe In, Breathe Out, Breathe In... oh crap... what's the point

Christmas is all about stress. Very, very, very stressed out today. Leaving for Tremblant again tomorrow morning. Have a ton of stuff on my plate. Pick up the snowboards and the skis from waxing place, find sistas stuff, pack sistas stuff, pack my stuff, load the car, drop off the dog, pick up Tuxedo Sam, clean up my house, entertain my mom's fantasies about having my house clean... as well as all the other stuff I have to finish for work. Yuck.

Have yet to begin my Christmas shopping - still need presents for... ummm... EVERYONE!!! CRAPPPPP!!!

OK... have a good hols babes, just in case I don't get another chance to blog.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out... hyperventilate....

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