Thursday, January 8

Day 9897: Justification

Every action, every purchase can be justified. Take new climbing shoes for example. Climbing 5.10's now, so beginner shoe that I had before sucks - thus, since I have my first hole in the shoe, the resoling guy is out of town, I don't want the hole to grow any larger, also forgot my shoes at home the day I went to MEC... therefore NEW SHOES... yay!

New example... I like my beauty sleep. God knows I need it. Typical example of justification:

Triscuit: Wake up...time to hit the slopes!
J: Hffmmmmttt...
Sista: Wake up... time to go...
J: Ppppppfffffffttttt... I have a headache. I need to sleep it off......hhhhhfffffmmmm....zzzzzz....
?: We're leaving without you......
Triscuit, Sista & ???: WAKE UP!!!!!!!
J: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........*snork*.... crap... slept in again...

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