day 10261: hate me. i deserve it.
No matter how I've changed in the past year, I do not like this person I've become. I've lost patience, tolerance and the ability to actually care for someone other than myself. I'm constantly on the defensive and snap back at even the slightest thing that sounds like a critcism.
In other words, I am a b-itch and everyone should hate me, but they don't.
i still love you.
that was the whole point.
Well, it might just be a phase...keep smiling!!
so I had a dream about you last night. you called me late on my cell, and I answered groggily, and then you were asking if I had time to talk. so I got up and opened the door, and you were walking by talking on your cell phone to me! hehe... anyway, it was like when we lived together in kw. so, we hung up and went to the kitchen to discuss what was up. kannan was there, and you announced that you had had enough with accounting, and that you were going to leave it all behind to do what you wanted to do. and then tootsie went pee... :P is this a sign? anyway, just thought I'd tell you about my dream. L.
lol LZ... the power of dreams. Actually, that sounds more like reality. I remember yelling and cursing about quitting accounting, and Toot ALWAYS pees. Too funny.
THB... not a phase... more like a character flaw that I know I have to work on, but can't seem to actually accomplish it. Still trying. Still smiling! :)
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