Wednesday, January 18

day 10638: running out of patience and time for other people's fcukwit drama

I hate it when two equally opinionated and pigheaded alpha males butt heads over simple things...

...and then having to deal with it when I should be working instead... oy...


teahouse said...

Ha! That's like every day at my job as well..

Men are impossible.

j said...

I recommend peeing on them standing up...

ok... that was gross.

as to yesterday's dilemna... i have no idea what you can do... you can't just drink water from a bottle, then use the bottle to pee in? Then drop the bottle like a pee-bomb... i wonder what the impact would be from 1200 ft??

schmassion said...

somehow i doubt the bottle would be able to withstand the impact from 1200 ft... good luck to anyone standing in a 500m radius!